
  • Tom Gerald Daly MLS Fellow, Melbourne Law School; Associate Director, Edinburgh Centre for Constitutional Law.



Mots-clés :

Mexico, Ireland, Revolution, Constitutionalism, Comparative constitutional law.


In 2016 and 2017 two seemingly unrelated states celebrated centenaries of nation-defining revolutions. Mexico marked the centenary of the 1917 Constitution, which gave formal expression to the demands of the Mexican Revolution that began in 1910. Ireland commemorated 1916, the date of the Easter Rising; a rebellion against rule by the British Empire which led ultimately to independence. This article examines how both Ireland’s and Mexico’s constitutional histories for the past century relate to two ‘unfinished revolutions’, in which the hopes and aspirations of the initial revolutions in each state have been only partially realised. In doing so, the article recognises the significant constitutional progress that has been achieved in each state, but also the challenges faced and remaining deficiencies in meeting the aspirations of each revolution, as well as growing threats in the current febrile international climate. Although the constitutional story of each state evidently features a dizzying array of actors, the article places particular focus on the role of courts – especially supreme courts and international human rights courts – in helping or hindering positive transformation in each state.


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Biographie de l'auteur

Tom Gerald Daly, MLS Fellow, Melbourne Law School; Associate Director, Edinburgh Centre for Constitutional Law.

MLS Fellow at Melbourne Law School, member of the new MLS Constitution Transformation Network, Associate Director of the Edinburgh Centre for Constitutional Law at Edinburgh Law School, and a consultant on public law, human rights, and democracy-building. He has previously clerked for the Chief Justice of Ireland and has worked on a variety of development projects worldwide at Edinburgh University’s Global Justice Academy, and as a consultant on Council of Europe, European Union, International IDEA, and Irish government projects, most recently managing a major Council of Europe project on ‘Strengthening Judicial Ethics in Turkey’.


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