Global Administrative Law, Globalization, Corporate Social Responsibility, Global GovernanceAbstract
The construction of corporate social responsibility rules is established by public and private entities, and the global administrative law instruments are essential for the conformation of norms and regulations that effectively respect human rights. The global administrative law offers a new method of analysis over international legal relations, associating new normative and regulatory sources that go beyond the traditional role of the State and International Organizations. From transnational networks and actions, the global administrative law will be presented in its theoretical and pragmatic aspects, demonstrating by concrete examples how this new framework interacts in building global corporate accountability rules. Based on the methodology of global administrative law, an analysis will be made of the possibility of building corporate social responsibility regulations, with a lower participation of the State and greater presence of private entities in a system of self-containment. It is possible to verify the likelihood of such construction even being more effective than the traditional legislative imposition made by the State entities.Downloads
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