
  • Marcelo Neves Universidade de Brasília - UNb



Philosophy of law, Rules and principles, Precedents


In a 2008 article, one of Robert Alexy's disciples, Lorenzo Zucca pontificated Alexy as the "prophet of proportionality doctrine." This panegyric labeling was reverberated later by two other disciples, Klatt and Meister in a monographic work on the subject. When it comes to the religious dimension, this sort of qualification is not problematic, but rather legitimizing. In the field of philosophy, science, and theoretical reflection in general, this is disastrous, since it tends to undermine one of the presuppositions of science and other forms of reflective knowledge, "limitationality," namely, the assumption that knowledge is never exhausted. Virgílio Afonso da Silva, in his article "The Federal Supreme Court needs Iolau: Response to Marcelo Neves's objections to the balancing and optimization", proposes to present a review of my book "Between Hydra and Hercules." comments to Virgílio Afonso da Silva's criticism of my book, to prove, with clear arguments, that these are mistaken objections and that sometimes they seem to me hurried, since they simplify (and, in part, distort) my line of rationale in a somewhat rhetorical way to impute to him the appearance of a fragility, strictly, non-existent.


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Author Biography

Marcelo Neves, Universidade de Brasília - UNb

Doutor em Direito pela Universidade de Bremen. Pós-Doutor na Faculdade de Ciência Jurídica da Universidade de Frankfur e no Departamento de Direito da London School of Economics and Political Science.


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