
  • Rafael Bellem de Lima Doutorando em Direito pela Christian-Albrechts Universität zu Kiel (Alemanha) e pela Universidade de São Paulo (dupla-titulação). Professor em tempo integral do Insper – Instituto de Ensino e Pesquisa.



Proportionality, Legal arguments, Constitutional review, Brazilian Federal Supreme Court.


 In the last decades, proportionality has emerged as one of the main frameworks for assessing  constitutional rights’ violations. Developed in Germany, this method has spread widely and on a global scale. Although conceived and disseminated under the claim that it can possibly help both the state and courts with their justification processes, proportionality has been criticized in Brazil for having the opposite consequence. The Brazilian Federal Supreme Court adopts proportionality as a rhetorical tool, distorting its structure and its argumentative requirements in the name of a supposed theoretical sophistication and to legitimize individual positions of justices. This improper reproduction of a foreign idea has harmful consequences for Brazilian law. 


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