


negócios sociais; empreendedorismo social; formatos jurídicos; setor dois e meio.


This study aims to discuss the lack of a Brazilian legal model capable of guiding social business. Social businesses have a high potential to generate transformations in society, while generating positive financial results. The social business ecosystem in Brazil has grown significantly in recent years, however in Brazil there is no specific legislation to regulate social businesses, including at the corporate level, creating a gap in the corporate constitution for the formalization of these ventures, which have been given through the adoption of the different types of existing legal entities, sometimes belonging to the second sector, through limited or anonymous liability companies, sometimes belonging to the third sector, normally through associations. The proposed research was developed from a bibliographic review consisting of the analysis of a vast theoretical production in different databases of scientific articles and books. As a result, it was possible to observe that the possible legal formats for impact businesses in Brazil are varied, and there may or may not be distribution of dividends or even return of capital applied to investors, depending on the chosen legal format. It recognizes that social entrepreneurship, depending on the country, has different contours and legal formats. It is concluded that among the contributions of this study, it is highlighted that a specific legal type must be created for this type of business, in order to bring more legal certainty to those involved, since the theme is growing in the country.


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Author Biographies

Patricia Maria Dusek, Centro Universitário Augusto Motta, UNISUAM

Pós doutora em Justiça Constitucional pela Università di Pisa. Doutora em Direito pela Universidade Gama Filho. Coordenadora e Pesquisadora do Programa de Pós-graduação em Desenvolvimento Local do Centro Universitário Augusto Motta, UNISUAM, Rio de Janeiro, RJ.

Kátia Eliane Santos Avelar, Centro Universitário Augusto Motta, UNISUAM

Doutora em Ciências pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, UFRJ. Pesquisadora em Desenvolvimento Tecnológico e Extensão Inovadora do Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq). Pesquisadora e Docente do Programa de Pós-graduação em Desenvolvimento Local do Centro Universitário Augusto Motta, UNISUAM, Rio de Janeiro, RJ.

Thalissa Pádua Gilaberte, Centro Universitário Augusto Motta, UNISUAM

Doutora em Propriedade Intelectual e Inovação pelo Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial (INPI). Pós-Doutoranda pelo Programa de Pós-graduação em Desenvolvimento Local do Centro Universitário Augusto Motta, UNISUAM, Rio de Janeiro, RJ. Bolsista da FAPERJ do programa de Pós-Doutorado Nota 10-2022.

Karen Freitas Franquini, Centro Universitário Augusto Motta, UNISUAM

Doutoranda em Desenvolvimento Local no Centro Universitário Augusto Motta, UNISUAM, Rio de Janeiro, RJ.


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How to Cite

Dusek, P. M., Santos Avelar, K. E., Pádua Gilaberte, T., & Freitas Franquini, K. (2024). SOCIAL BUSINESS AND LEGAL FORMATS: A BRAZILIAN PANORAMA: UM PANORAMA BRASILEIRO . JOURNAL OF INSTITUTIONAL STUDIES, 10(1), 190–208.


