
  • Maureen Duffy Associate Professor, University of Calgary, Canada.



Palabras clave:

human rights, legal norms, anti-imigration.


Anti-migration narratives are sweeping around the world, often accompanied by support for racist ideologies. The narratives usually involve some false claim that those seeking to enter the country are presumptively dangerous. Such narratives are obviously not new, but they are arguably being presented in evolving ways and having evolving, and deeply troubling, practical and legal effects. In the U.S., migrants being held in horrific “camp” conditions represent just the latest in a series of anti-migrant measures, each arguably worse than the last. This phenomenon is not limited to the U.S., but that example provides a strong vehicle for demonstrating this larger transnational trend. This article argues that harmful anti-migrant narratives are having significant, adverse effects on human rights and foundational legal norms.


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Biografía del autor/a

Maureen Duffy, Associate Professor, University of Calgary, Canada.

Bachelor of Science in Journalism at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Juris Doctor, Loyola University Chicago Law School; Master of Laws at McGill University (Canada); Doctorate of Laws at McGill University (Canada).



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