
  • Ana Paula Barbosa-Fohrmann Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
  • Luana Adriano Araújo



Right to Education, Rights of Older Persons, Lifelong Education


This paper examines the concept of "Lifelong Education" (LE) included in the article 25 of Law Nº 10.741, of October 1st, 2003 (Statute of the Elderly). It approaches the normative history of the right to education of the elderly in the national context, in order to examine the content of Law No. 8.842, of January 4th, 1994 (National Policy for the Elderly) and of the Statute of the Elderly in the context of the subject under analysis. Furthermore, the meaning and the scope of the concept of "Lifelong Learning" (ELV) are discussed in order to understand the scope of intersection and/or divergence between this concept and the notions of "Permanent Education" (PE) and "Lifelong Learning" (LL). This article also points out the interpretative referential pertinent to the bias of Lifelong Education in Popular Education’s Perspective. Finally, the right to lifelong education is analyzed in the perspective recently inscribed in the Statute of the Elderly, considering the legislative process which recognized the right to education and lifelong learning as a basic principle of education the guarantee of the right to education and of lifelong learning was recognized as a basic principle of education.This paper examines the concept of "Lifelong Education" (LE) included in the article 25 of Law Nº 10.741, of October 1st, 2003 (Statute of the Elderly). It approaches the normative history of the right to education of the elderly in the national context, in order to examine the content of Law No. 8.842, of January 4th, 1994 (National Policy for the Elderly) and of the Statute of the Elderly in the context of the subject under analysis. Furthermore, the meaning and the scope of the concept of "Lifelong Learning" (ELV) are discussed in order to understand the scope of intersection and/or divergence between this concept and the notions of "Permanent Education" (PE) and "Lifelong Learning" (LL). This article also points out the interpretative referential pertinent to the bias of Lifelong Education in Popular Education’s Perspective. Finally, the right to lifelong education is analyzed in the perspective recently inscribed in the Statute of the Elderly, considering the legislative process which recognized the right to education and lifelong learning as a basic principle of education the guarantee of the right to education and of lifelong learning was recognized as a basic principle of education.


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Author Biographies

Ana Paula Barbosa-Fohrmann, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Professora Adjunta da Faculdade Nacional de Direito da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (FND/UFRJ). Professora Permanente do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito da UFRJ. Pós-Doutora e Doutora pela Ruprecht-Karls Universität Heidelberg.

Luana Adriano Araújo

Mestre em Direito Constitucional pela Universidade Federal do Ceará (FD/UFC). Graduada em Direito pela Universidade Federal do Ceará. Coordenadora do Árvore-ser (Grupo de Estudos Aplicados em Direitos das Pessoas com Deficiência).


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