
  • Matheus Silveira de Souza Mestrando em Direito do Estado pela Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de São Paulo – FDUSP.
  • Maria Paula Dallari Bucci Professora Associada da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de São Paulo – FDUSP.



Direito e Políticas Públicas, Estado da arte, Estado social e políticas públicas


The article reports the international production on law and public policies, based on a bibliographic survey focused on production that highlighted methodological issues and disciplinary specificities to support the Law and Public Policy (LPP) approach. The academic production of the main authors identified is presented, either because of the density of the specific debate, or because of pertinent connections between issues analyzed by the authors and the questions that have been guiding the construction of the LPP approach in Brazil. Justifying the selection criteria, a brief account of works by William Clune, Kreis & Christensen, Kiyoung Kim, Barclay & Birkland, and Lasswell & McDougal is given. Of these, the most relevant material, due to its density, is concentrated in Clune's articles. The author's discussion on the instrumentalization of law by politics with a view to the implementation of public policies in the Welfare State is reviewed and research techniques and analysis frameworks useful to the DPP approach are analyzed (CLUNE, 1993). Subsequently, from Kreis & Christensen, the correlation between the different normative species in the formation and implementation of public policies is discussed, considering that, depending on the arena from which the standard originated – Executive, Legislative or Judicial – there will be relevant effects for the effectiveness of the policy, considering different points of veto and different legal-institutional designs. In the final part, interdisciplinary debates are reported at the frontier of this approach, making explicit the discussions between policymakers and legal researchers about policymakers (BARCLAY; BIRKLAND, 1998).


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