
  • Fabiana Alves Rodrigues Doutoranda em Ciência Política pela Universidade de São Paulo.
  • Rogério Bastos Arantes Professor do Departamento de Ciência Política da Universidade de São Paulo




Ratio decidendi, Federal Supreme Court, “Operation Lava Jato”, judicial activism, strategic behavior.


This article explores the ruling in which the Federal Supreme Court (STF) reversed its previous position on the presumption of innocence, allowing criminal convictions to be provisionally enforced after confirmation by a trial court. How to explain this change of constitutional interpretation? In this paper, we perform a qualitative analysis of the opinions, focusing on i) the way by which the Court's agenda-setting power was employed; ii ) the consistency (or lack thereof) of the arguments presented in Justices’ opinions, and iii) the decision´s possible effects on the direction of the Lava Jato operation. We observe that the Court's ratio decidendi distanced itself from technical-legal issues and focused on concerns with the effectiveness of the criminal justice system. By incorporating contextual elements to the explanation, the article suggests that Supreme Court aimed to reshape the institutional arrangements of the criminal justice system, under the impact of the Lava Jato operation. In particular, the Court strengthened defendants’ incentives to celebrate plea bargain agreements with prosecutors, as the new interpretation increased the risk of their actual incarceration. The Court's strategic action leads to a debate beyond the judicialization of politics, involving judicial activism in the reshaping of institutional rules in the area of white collar crimes and crimes committed by politicians.


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