
  • Giacomo Balduzzi University of Eastern Piedmont.
  • Anna Rosa Favretto University of Eastern Piedmont.


Mots-clés :

intergenerational justice, labour market policy, NEETs, social inclusion, welfare systems


The principle of intergenerational justice is much more common in the environmental sector, but it is becoming less unusual to consider it in a social and political context. The last economic crisis has significantly increased inequality among and across generations. In several EU countries, the number of NEETs raised dramatically after the recession. Moving from the Italian case, the paper focuses on the policies recently implemented to tackle the problem. Evidence shows that solutions exclusively focused on the labour market are not sufficient to activate a full social inclusion. Hence, the authors suggest considering intergenerational justice as intergenerational inclusion and in terms of active participation and empowerment in people’s local communities. The analysis takes into account theoretical issues and practical implications of such a viewpoint, referring in particular to welfare systems and their effectiveness in facing this kind of challenge.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur

Giacomo Balduzzi, University of Eastern Piedmont.

Post-doc research fellow at University of Pavia, Temporary Lecturer in Sociology of collective choices at University of Eastern Piedmont, member of the research group “NEOH”, Network for Evaluation of One Health (Programme EU COST), researcher at CIRSIS, Centre for Studies and Research on Higher Education Systems.

Anna Rosa Favretto, University of Eastern Piedmont.

Full professor of Sociology; chief of Lab-SIA (CEIMS – Lab Health Childhood Adolescence); chief of Degree in Society and Local Development; member appointed by the University of Eastern Piedmont at the Permanent Regional Observatory against Bullying;  member of the research group “NEOH”, Network for Evaluation of One Health (Programme EU COST); member of editorial boards of scientific journals and Scientific Associations; principal investigator of many researches.


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Comment citer

Balduzzi, G., & Favretto, A. R. (2020). INTERGENERATIONAL JUSTICE AS INTERGENERATIONAL INCLUSION: new challenges for welfare systems. REI - REVISTA ESTUDOS INSTITUCIONAIS, 6(3), 1417–1435.



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