
  • Sergio Ruy David Polimeno Valente Doutorando pela Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de São Paulo



Basic Sanitation, Law and Public Policies, Historical Neo-institutionalism, Path dependency


This paper aims to apply the legal-institutional view of Law and Public Policy to examine characteristics of the national sanitation policy, highlighting method aspects in the analysis of public policies in general. It starts from the theoretical basis of political science, in line with historical neoinstitutionalism, incorporating the legal tools to broaden the understanding of the object. Distinctive features of historical neoinstitutionalism, such as the idea that institutions conditions behavior, unequally distribute power, and that the institutional trajectory shape policymaking serve as premises, along with identifying veto points. The notion of public policy formed by legally regulated processes allows to extend this identification to other procedural spheres - not only legislative process - and the dogmatic allows the legal qualification of these veto points for a better understanding of the dynamics. The analysis of the institutional environment aims to identify actors and interests relevant to the understanding of the arrangement and its legal-political effects, while the analysis of the institutional trajectory allows to recognize path-dependent characteristics, transcending purely legal factors. The reference frame is used for an overview of the arrangement to guide its critical examination. In the observation of processes that form the sanitation policy, it is evident how the various interests influenced the construction of the normative framework and how they reflect on its application. It is demonstrated how the omission about redistributive disputes provides legally qualified veto points to certain actors in the government process, favoring the maintenance of the status quo.


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Sergio Ruy David Polimeno Valente, Doutorando pela Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de São Paulo



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