Representative Systems, Democracy, Political Accountability, Pierre AnsartAbstract
The article presents the theme of contemporary political responsibility with the critical focus of Pierre Ansart about democratic representative systems. The dynamics of this article is to outline the idea of the political responsibility, followed by the insertion of political responsibility in the system of representative democracy and political responsibility as a formal and material aspect of representative democracies. At the end, with exposed Pierre Ansart” contextualization in “Mal-being or end of political love”, it is made the critique of political responsibility in the current representative democratic systems. We seek special analysis of concrete models of current political responsibility, with emphasis on political and normative boundaries of the Brazilian Republic and of the United States of America. In this research the following sources were used: bibliographic material involving works of classical political theory of modernity, journals, materials of electronic information sites and parliamentary documentary sources. To the closing of questioning was used the text of Pierre Ansart published in the journal “History and Perspectives”.Downloads
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