Less lecturing, more participation

My reflections on teaching Public Law in Brazil





Legal education, Public law, Lecture-style classes, Participative method


This essay discusses the teaching of public law in Brazil from the perspective of the teaching method adopted by the professor during classes. Drawing from his experiences as a student and a teacher the author makes a distinction between lecture-style classes, which focus on oral presentations conducted by the professor, and interactive classes, where students are encouraged to read beforehand and actively participate in classroom discussions. The author argues that the interactive method allows students to develop a deeper understanding of the law and empowers them to find solutions to legal problems autonomously. However, the author notes that the interactive method has limited space in Brazilian legal education. Despite that, he affirms its importance and encourages other professors to adopt it in order to make the teaching of public law in Brazil more realistic and effective.


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Author Biography

Eduardo Jordão, Fundação Getulio Vargas do Rio de Janeiro (FGV-RJ)




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How to Cite

Jordão, E. (2023). Less lecturing, more participation: My reflections on teaching Public Law in Brazil. JOURNAL OF INSTITUTIONAL STUDIES, 9(3), 699–708. https://doi.org/10.21783/rei.v9i3.790


